Quality Assurance
AMBIDETECTOR- Engineering & Instrumentation, Ltd, is since March 2009 a quality assurance company.
The company uses specialized services in maintenance, calibration, installation, and certification with the best-certified equipment (technology and innovation) traced according to metrology rules like the following:
Reference Manometers (0-10bar, 0-40bar, 0-100 bar, 0-1000bar, etc);
Hand-Held Thermometers Wika Model CTH 6200;
Process calibrators Wika Model CPH6000 (0-10bar,, 0-100 bar, 0-1000bar);
Digital Gauge with high accuracy KELLER Model LEO 1;
Temperature Dry well calibrator Wika Model CTD9300-165;
Thermostatic Bath Wika Model CTB 9210;
Low Bath temperature thermostats Lauda Model RE212;
Digital Thermometer with high accuracy LABFACILITY (Tempmaster 100);
The procedures and certificates are according to the standard NP EN, ISO/IEC 17025:2005. We maintain full equipments calibrated and traceable to national standards.